• 1.6 1 Reviews
  • Graphicurry Store

  • Arts & Entertainment

Graphicurrystore.com Ratings


1.6 average based on 1 ratings.

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Graphicurrystore.com Reviews

Chetan Nanjappa

9 months ago  

They do not deliver to all the places in India. They only deliver to places that they consider profitable. Customer service is very arrogant.

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We're Graphicurry, Sole Proprietorship of Prasad Bhat. An Art store and Design studio based out of Bengaluru founded in 2010. Prasad Bhat specializes in personalized hand-drawn digital caricatures. His art has found its niche following of motivators and buyers, both of which are growing exponentially in this era of digital enchantment.This artwork also comes in an exclusive premier range which is sold in limited edition sizes, making it not just a purchase, but an asset.

