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  • Wooden Street

  • Home Furnishings

 Dr Tribhuwan's review for Woodenstreet.com

Dr Tribhuwan

1 year ago  

I purchased a Walken Sheesham Wood Bed with Full Drawer Storage (King Size, Honey Finish), Order Id: 481761 dated 02/07/2023 for Rs 43020.00 for my son Shivendera Singh whose name is reflected in the proforma invoice. The problem is that if one just leans on the footrest side of the bed or while walking a little pressure causes the alignment of the bed to go haywire and out of the two drawers on one side, one protrudes out and the other one goes inside. Had raised a ticket number 121439 and Mr Sandeep Kumar Sharma inspected the bed and he said that this fault cannot be resolved. According to him if one screws the top panels of the bed that are supposed to be lifted for accessing the inner storage the problem can be resolved. Then what’s the use of purchasing a bed with storage? It looks like there is a technical flaw with the design of the bed. If mere pressure on the bed while walking disrupts the alignment of the bed then what good is the bed for, does that mean that one has to watch his steps while walking near the bed? Mr Sandeep Kumar Sharma clicked a video when I showed him the problem and told me that he had shared that video with the branch and head office. In that video, one can clearly see that a mere touch while walking moves the footrest side of the bed to the opposite side disrupting the alignment of the bed. Have sent them an email and the video clicked by the company’s carpenter at care@woodenstreet.com and at support@woodenstreet.com twice and even logged a complaint on their website. Aside from replying the company did not even acknowledge the emails or the online complaint. Looks like the support team has withdrawn into a shell and has become deaf and dumb. Kudos Woodenstreet!

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